

The Master's Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is a two-year program for university graduates.

Admisson policy

General admission test

Application requirements

  1. Persons who have graduated from a university or are expected to graduate from a university in March 2024.
  2. Persons who have been awarded a bachelor's degree pursuant to the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 4 of the School Education Law and those who are expected to be awarded a bachelor's degree by March 2024.
  3. Persons who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country, or those who are expected to complete it by March 2024.
  4. Persons who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country by taking correspondence courses offered by a foreign school in Japan, or who are expected to complete the course by March 2024.
  5. A person who has completed, or is expected to complete by March 2024, a course at an educational institution in Japan that is designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course at a foreign university, and that educational institution is positioned in the education system of a foreign country to possess the curriculum of a foreign university (limited to those who are deemed to have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country).
  6. Persons who have completed a specialized course of a vocational school (limited to a course which satisfies the criteria specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, such as the duration of study being 4 years or more) on or after the date specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  7. Persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  8. Any other persons who are recognized by the graduate school as having academic abilities equivalent or superior to those of university graduates.

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