Information on Ethics / Compliance
Code of Conduct

At Gifu Pharmaceutical University, the goal is for all members to be aware of the social and public mission of the university, to comply with laws and regulations, to respect each other's human rights, and to act with a high sense of ethics.
Reports and Whistleblowing

To stop actual legal or regulatory violations from occurring, it's essential to try to prevent problems from occurring in our daily activities. If a problem occurs or is about to occur, reporting it immediately to your supervisor or teacher is the foundation to promote compliance.
If you have reasonable grounds for not being able to make such a report, please use the whistleblower service. Whistleblowers who use this service will be protected by Gifu Pharmaceutical University from being subjected to disadvantageous treatment on the basis of their report. In the unlikely event that a whistleblower is subjected to disadvantageous treatment as a result, appropriate measures for redress will be taken.
Whistleblower Hotline
General Compliance: Office of the Secretary General
Research Ethics and Compliance: General Affairs and Accounting Section
Harassment or Bullying: Health Care and Health Management Center